
Authentication through the study of the structure of the materials present in the object ; technique allowing a magnification and a better resolution of the surface.

Authentication of a terracotta object using the stereoscopy technique. The stereomicroscopic examination of the surface of the objects can be applied to all materials and certainly constitutes the most currently used approach to reveal possible traces of authenticity (cf. mineral concretions, plant micro-organisms,…) and to get a better idea about the structure, the nature and the aging of materials, about tools used to shape them and about the existence of possible repairs. This type of examination generally precedes all other forms of scientific study or finds an application in cases where no other test is applicable.


  • Complete covering of the object’s surface
  • Definition of the state of preservation
  • Respect of the integrity of the object
  • Very instructive technique, in many aspects


Necessary presence of significant traces